by Sharon Ferrier | Sep 6, 2020 | Confidence,Persuasion,Speaking, Speak up & Persuade, Speaking
Several years ago, I was at a venture showcase. A venture showcase is an opportunity for entrepreneurs to spruik their product to peers, the public and potential investors. I walked into the room and saw nervous and self-conscious entrepreneurs standing behind their...
by Sharon Ferrier | Aug 13, 2020 | Confidence,Persuasion,Speaking, Speaking
How much water does it take to grow one almond? The answer may surprise you. Last month I was at the SA leaders networking event and got talking to Tom Drakopoulos from Loxton Irrigation. We started talking about crops and their water needs. And he told me that almond...
by Sharon Ferrier | Jul 31, 2020 | Speak up & Persuade, Speaking
When my son was in primary school, he came home one day, and I noticed he was little quieter than usual. It was always a routine in our house that our children would do their homework at the kitchen bench while I prepared dinner. This enabled me to help when needed...
by Sharon Ferrier | Jun 17, 2020 | Presentation skills, Speak up & Persuade, Speaking
The acronym VUCA (Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity and Ambiguity) was coined in 1987 and was based on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. Fast forward 33 years and 2020 is setting a new standard of VUCA.The challenges we face are not only...
by Sharon Ferrier | Feb 26, 2020 | Speak up & Persuade, Speaking
There is an adage in sales: “People buy from people that they like, know and trust” Most of us have had this experience: We walk into a store see exactly what we want and get excited because it is on sale, but the shop assistant provides poor service and frustrates us...
by Sharon Ferrier | Dec 4, 2019 | Presentation skills, Speak up & Persuade, Speaking
Last week I delivered Stand Up, Speak Up & Persuade for a new client and I sent out a questionnaire before the workshop asking them what their top three needs were. Any guesses as the number one need? Yep – confidence. You can see in the word cloud I...