by Sharon Ferrier | May 20, 2024 | Powerpoint, Presentation skills
Last year during an interview, Jeff Bezos said ‘No PowerPoints are used inside of Amazon.’ He is not the first CEO to react this way. In 1997 Scott McNealy, then president of Sun Microsystems, banned the use of PowerPoint throughout his company and a 2015 article in...
by Sharon Ferrier | Apr 15, 2024 | Networking
It was in 1624 when English poet coined the phrase “No man is an island.” Fast forward 400 years and social isolation has been proven to reduce your life expectancy. We all need people in our personal and professional lives. We need to be able to connect,...
by Sharon Ferrier | Feb 1, 2024 | Confidence,Persuasion,Speaking
I want you to try something for me. imagine walking into a garden with a lemon tree. You reach up and pluck a bright iridescentyellow lemon. As you walk back to the kitchen you can feel the weight of the lemon in hand.You gently dig a fingernail into the rind, and you...
by Sharon Ferrier | Sep 22, 2023 | Coaching, Leadership
Someone once said to me something that stuck “A manager manages things, a leader leads people.” The best leaders I see empower others. They realise that their key role is helping their team to achieve their goals. They are able to put their ego...